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#goakbatikbali had been being renovated to achieve standard hospitality. For you guys (tourism drivers or guides) who want to visit us just come…you will serve as ussual.
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De Bun Bunan Bali additional activity. It is apart of #goakbatikbali natural colors program in which the students could enjoy the beautiful balinese nature with different way. Join us soon.
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The Bun Bunan Bali, batik class natural color program only in #goakbatikbali. Goak Batik Bali the batik education center, chemical and natural colors. Come join us soon.
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New stamping products for uniform. Cotton material with reactive colors, so can be use for long. Quaranteed its not fade and shrink.
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Any kinds batik stamps for uniform, for those who wants special design for the uniform, contact us. Only in #goakbatikbali.
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Who is the best?? Only in #goakbatikbali.
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Natural dye, batik with indigo natural color process in #goakbatikbali .
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Handmade batik sarung with paint techniques only in#goakbatikbali. Try the Balinese custom in differences touchings.
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Advance class in #goakbatikbali, four days meeting with full service. Come join us soon?
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Come and join soon batik lesson in #goakbatikbali, gain an exciting and unforgettable experience through batik.????
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Natural dye colors in goak batik bali. Here in goak batik bali you just not visiting batik store but you will also have knowledge of batik. Start with you may try put wax on material (mencanting) and our profesional staff will explain you of how to make differences amongs batik handmade, blockprint, handscreen as well as digital printing. This knowledge will be the point of you if you want to buy batik in any area.
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