Mastering block print indigo batik for new couple from singapore

To learn more about batik and its variations, we also opened Goak Batik Bali Art Cottage that accommodates a wide collection of batik products. Start from specialized products for the the art lovers to household products that have a touch of batik. Everything we choose to prioritize the benefits and best quality
Want to see what we offer, please find us at foursquare.com/goakbatikbali or at Google Place. You can also see where Goak Batik Bali via Google Maps:
Goak Batik Bali is batik producer & gallery since 1987. We love batik and everyday we make batik lovely. We started to make it simply, in two dimension designs only appeared the objects. As far as time we developed our technique in making it with three dimension designs: front view and back view, and this batik style now famous as “Goak Batik Bali “. What is the point that make it unique? in this styles you need to make a plan firstly, what will be the front view and what will be the back view. Secondly, what colors are you going to play? you have already planned it well, this style is like you be an architect; everything you have planned well, so its unique and need patient as well as artistic spirit.
Anyway if as you want to know more of the processes, its better you join the Goak Batik Bali Tour Class program. You will teach how to make batik in detail. For more info please prefer to Batik Tour Class Overview page or contact us at our Contact page. You can also fill out the form below for questions about Goak Batik Bali, Batik Tour Class.
And if you are a businessman who wants to make the base batik products, please see our offer at toko-seniku.com. You can also fill out the form below for questions about Goak Batik Bali products
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Goak Batik Bali is batik producer & gallery since 1987. We love batik and everyday we make batik lovely. We started to make it simply, in two dimension designs only appeared the objects. As far as time we developed our technique in making it with three dimension designs: front view and back view, and this batik style now famous as “Goak Batik Bali “. What is the point that make it unique? in this styles you need to make a plan firstly, what will be the front view and what will be the back view. Secondly, what colors are you going to play? you have already planned it well, this style is like you be an architect; everything you have planned well, so its unique and need patient as well as artistic spirit.
Anyway if as you want to know more of the processes, its better you join the Goak Batik Bali Tour Class program. You will teach how to make batik in detail. For more info please prefer to Batik Tour Class Overview page or contact us at our Contact page. You can also fill out the form below for questions about Goak Batik Bali, Batik Tour Class.
And if you are a businessman who wants to make the base batik products, please see our offer at toko-seniku.com. You can also fill out the form below for questions about Goak Batik Bali products
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In Goak Batik Bali Batik Tour Class program, you will learn to make your own batik. Guided by our instructors who are experienced in the field of batik. And when it finish, take your own batik home and show it to family or friends. This will be a valuable experience when you traveled to Bali
More about batik class tour please refer to Batik Tour Class Overview page or contact us at our Contact page. You can also fill out the form below for questions about Goak Batik Bali Batik Class Tour
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Many thanks to all the participants of Goak Batik Bali Batik Tour Class. It’s nice to be able to share knowledge about batik. We believe that this activity although it small but it will be able to introducing and preserving Batik as a world heritage
More about batik class tour please refer to Batik Tour Class Overview page or contact us at our Contact page. You can also fill out the form below for questions about Goak Batik Bali Batik Class Tour
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Seen in the picture the Goak Batik Bali Batik Tour Class instructor guide the participant in the klowong process. The Batik Tour Class program itself is one of Goak Batik Bali efforts in introducing and preserving Batik as a world heritage
More about batik class tour please refer to Batik Tour Class Overview page or contact us at our Contact page. You can also fill out the form below for questions about Goak Batik Bali Batik Class Tour
[contact-form to=’[email protected]’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/]
Seen in the picture the Goak Batik Bali Batik Tour Class participants is in the klowong process. The Batik Tour Class program itself is one of Goak Batik Bali efforts in introducing and preserving Batik as a world heritage
More about batik class tour please refer to Batik Tour Class Overview page or contact us at our Contact page. You can also fill out the form below for questions about Goak Batik Bali Batik Class Tour
[contact-form to=’[email protected]’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/]
A person who is enjoy fishing in a evening
Created on 2006
Using indigosol color on cotton
The size is 90 x 150 cm
Maintenance : Safe or hang in the shade and if get dirt, you may wash it by water
People in Bali prominently in the villages are always maintain their environment goodly, they take a bath in the wos river while taking pure water from the water source at there
Created on 2005
Using indigosol color on cotton
The size is 45 x 150 cm
Maintenance : Safe or hang in the shade and if get dirt, you may wash it by water
Telling about people in Bali who is cutting rice in a shiny morning and both of them are carrying it while smiling
Created on 2005
Using indigosol color on cotton
The size is 45 x 150 cm
Maintenance : Safe or hang in the shade and if get dirt, you may wash it by water
Telling about people in Bali who is cutting rice in a shiny morning and the others are carrying it while smiling
Created on 2004
Using indigosol color on cotton
The size is 90 x 150 cm
Maintenance : Safe or hang in the shade and if get dirt, you may wash it by water